Diffusing Essential Oils Safely Around Pets

essential oil diffuser on a coffee table in a living room

Far too often I hear stories of pet parents taking big risks with essential oils and not realizing it. For example, diffusing essential oils for 6 hours straight, or worse yet, 24/7.

These days more than ever, people are turning to essential oils to disinfect their homes and protect their health.  Many are unaware of the potential consequences to their pets.

If you're here, you probably have diffused essential oils in your home. Or you've thought of it but are smart enough to know there are possible risks to your fur baby?.

When used appropriately, essential oils (EOs) are the easiest way to support physical and emotional health for you and your fur baby.

So how do you keep your fur baby safe when you’re using EOs for yourself?

First, use CAUTION with clove, cinnamon leaf, cinnamon bark, thyme CT thymol, and oregano. Its okay to AVOID them completely, especially around cats.

These EOs contain phenols- a chemical group that makes them powerful antimicrobials and antivirals.  It also means they can irritate your skin so they should never be applied straight from the bottle.  Always dilute to 1% (6 drops per 30ml/1 oz) or less than 1% with animals.

Cat Fact. Phenols are believed to be more difficult for a cat's liver to metabolize. Over time, these components could build up and damage their liver, with potentially fatal results. 


Using any of these EOs around cats is risky business.  With a few precautions you can reduce the risk for both cats and dogs.  Diffuse only 1-4 drops for a short time, such as 10-30 minutes.  Keep an eye on your furry friends so you notice if their behavior changes.  (Learn what to watch for in this post.)

If you’re diffusing EOs in a room, consider keeping your furry friend out of that room until you’re done. Leave the doors open and use a fan or open a window for added ventilation. 

If you can’t shut a door (like in a living room), make sure they have an exit route to leave the area and go into a separate room.  Cracking a window helps too.

Use a personal inhaler to completely reduce any risk to your pet.  You get all the benefits without sending the scent throughout an entire room.  Personal inhalers are perfect at home, your office, on-the-go, or anywhere others may not appreciate scent.  

There are DIY inhaler methods and several companies that sell personal inhalers, some are even reusable.  If you’ve never heard of aromatherapy inhalers- or want to know more- email me with your questions.  

If you don’t have a diffuser or personal inhaler, you still have options.  For yourself, heat a pot of water just until steamy.  Take it off the stove, add 1-2 drops of an EO,  place a towel over your head to catch the steam and inhale. This direct inhalation method is perfect for cold or flu symptoms.  

Or, simply add a few drops to a washcloth or shower ledge and enjoy an aromatherapy shower.

Interested in learn more about naturalĀ remediesĀ to help your fur baby?

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