Ear Slides: An Easy, Must-Have First Aid Technique

white and black dog having his ears rubbed

If you've ever felt helpless watching your fur baby struggle, ear slides are your go-to remedy. All you need is your thumb and a finger, or 2. Ear slides are a must-have tool you always have with you. You just need to remember to use it.

A few years ago, one of Jazz’s old dog symptoms was vomiting small amounts of bile in the early morning hours (like 4 am early).  

That distressing sound jolted me out of bed fast, but I was definitely not awake. (Someone should make a retching alarm because nothing gets me out of bed faster.)  

I'd sit beside him waiting for the retching to stop, feeling the heartache that comes from passively sitting by watching your soul dog struggle… and feeling as if there’s nothing I can do to help.  

Thankfully, I remembered ear slides. They’re so easy you can do them in your sleep, literally.

Ear slides are my go-to when my dogs are vomiting. They're perfect to alleviate anxiety during vet visits, car rides, and thunderstorms.

Ear Slides are as easy as stroking your pet’s ears. Check out this short video where Jake helped me demonstrate ear slides.

The key to Ear Slide success are the many acupuncture points on the ears… ones that improve digestion, soothe anxiety, slow breathing, reduce stress, and even prevent shock.

Ear slides are very versatile AND practical! When a friend’s dog collapsed, she did ear slides on the way to the ER.  She’s convinced they saved his life. My vet tech friends use them near the end of surgery to slow breathing so no extra anesthesia is required.

I've use ear slides at adoption events and vet visits to calm stressed out dogs and cats, during thunderstorms, and to calm down hyperactive puppies.

When you don’t know what to do, try ear slides. 

Ear slides are a must have item for everyone’s first aid kit.  They benefit both humans and animals and you don’t need anything but your fingers. (If you’re doing them on your fur baby, do them on yourself too. They’ll help you both relax.)

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