Getting to Know Your Essential Oils

several bottles of different brands of essential oils

I love getting new essential oils. It's like being a kid on Christmas morning and opening a new toy.

I open the package and crack open the bottles until I've sniffed every single one.

Lately I’ve been buying from different companies, so it's been more fun than usual.

I bought a Lavender and Rose Geranium from each company so I could compare quality.  (Lavender since it's inexpensive and Rose Geranium because I love it, and it's tick season.)

And I got a couple oils that I never had before. Even more fun!

It's important to experience for yourself before using them around your fur baby.

Let me explain...

Waving the bottle under my nose as if I’m at a cosmetic counter, I take in the scent with a slow inhale.

Then I pay attention to where, and how, the scent affects me...physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Some examples...

I feel more alert and focused.

My lungs expand more and I breathe deeper.

My shoulders relax and drop down a few inches.

I burp. Yep. That's for real.  It’s my body’s way of telling me  energy’s moving. (And that’s a good thing for the digestive system).

I feel more grounded. Less anxious. Calmer.


After those first couple of whiffs, I close up the bottle and do it again througout the week.

One day I’ll put a drop on my hand, rub my hands together, and then smell. Surprise! It can smell different than smelling it straight from the bottle.

Another day I’ll dilute it. That can change the smell too.


So you see, for me getting new oils really is like playing with new toys.

And I always find it interesting when I experience the same oil differently.  It's like getting a new oil all over again.

There’s no better way to really get to know essential oils.  And it benefits your furry friends too.

When you feel how an oil affects you, you’ll have a better understanding of how it’ll affect your furry friends.

If you’ve never experienced essential oils in this way, I really encourage you to try it.


Grab a bottle- even one you’ve used before. That's fine, it doesn’t need to be new.

Now sniff. And notice at least one way you experience it for yourself. Use my examples to get you started if you need ideas.

I'd love to know your experience.  Drop me an email and tell me what oil you played with and how it felt.

I'll be a kid at Christmas waiting to hear what my friend found under her tree!

BTW.  If you wanna try a new essential oil but don’t know what, or where to buy, I’m happy to offer some suggestions.  I don’t sell essential oils, so no ulterior motive here.


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