Is Peppermint Essential Oil Toxic For Pets?

peppermint leaves and oil

Is peppermint essential oil toxic for pets?

Well… it depends on what and how you use it. 

If you ask Google … YES, peppermint is toxic, do not use it with animals! But is that the whole truth? 

NO! Learn the whole truth watch the video, or keep reading below the video.

Peppermint has a very long history of medicinal use, and a long history as a flavoring in our food. We know that it has a cool minty fresh smell. You know peppermint when you smell it, right? That's menthol.

It’s menthol that puts peppermint on the “Do Not Use” list. Menthol is a chemical component that makes peppermint icy-hot on your skin. Menthol is difficult for cats to metabolize, so ingesting it is a NO.  And, because they’re self-groomers, we wouldn’t apply it topically either. 

We wouldn't want our dogs, or anyone else, to ingest it either. Menthol could burn the mucus membranes as it goes through the digestive system. No oral use for peppermint essential oil.

Can we apply Peppermint topically to our dogs? 

If highly diluted and used in moderation, it could be used safely on our dogs. But why would we want to do that? 

Peppermint is really good for stiff, sore, achy muscles, injuries, sprains, and strains. It is  anti-inflammatory and pain relieving. However, peppermint wouldn’t be my first choice for dogs.  There are other essential oils that reduce inflammation and relieve pain that are safer to use. 

Peppermint is an insect repellent. Highly diluted (1%) and blended with other essential oils, it’s safe and helpful in repelling mosquitoes or ticks. 

Can our pet's safely inhale peppermint? 

Peppermint is safe to inhale, in moderation. Adding 1-2 drops of peppermint into a diffuser while your animal is recovering from an injury and is stiff and sore, is safe and could be helpful. 

Inhaling peppermint oil is also good for colds, bronchitis or kennel cough since it’s a decongestant, antibacterial, and antiviral.

Peppermint essential oil really shines as a digestive aid. Peppermint can cool tummy upsets like nausea and vomiting. It’s great for carsickness! 

A couple of drops on a cotton ball, stored it in a ziplock baggie and open it as needed. Allow the peppermint scent to circulate throughout the car and then place it back into the ziplock baggie until needed again. It prevented many dogs from throwing up in their crates during dog rescue transports.

Caution: If you're working with peppermint and you get in on your fingers, wash your hands immediately! You don't want to rub your eyes with peppermint oil on your fingers.  Trust me.

Peppermint benefits without the dangers?

Now that you know the truth about Peppermint, do you want to use it? If not, that’s okay.  There are safe alternatives. Like Spearmint, which is more gentle and has the same benefits. 

Peppermint hydrosol is safe for everyone, including cats. Cats can enjoy a small bowl of water with just a half teaspoon of hydrosol in it. They can inhale peppermint hydrosol from the water dish or drink it, it’s totally safe. 

Peppermint hydrosol cools burns, sunburns, and it's great for insect bites.  Applied to an itchy insect bite can cool the bite and ease the itch. Choosing peppermint hydrosol for our pets for itchiness brings relief without the dangers of menthol. 

Another safe option is dried peppermint leaves, like peppermint teas. This is good for cats or small dogs. Place a small amount, just a little spoonful, onto the floor so cats can sit next to, lay by it, on top of it, or even roll around on it. Simply inhaling peppermint leaves can ease tummy upsets or relieve muscle aches and stiffness for cats too. If they choose to ingest it, that's okay too.

If your have questions about using essential oils safely with your pets, reach out and Email me. 

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