Quickly Ease Your Dog's Pain with Essential Oils

White and black dog lying on his dog bed

Is allowing our beloved pet's to inhale essential oils a best kept secret?

If not, why do so many pet parents ask, "Do you apply it topically or add it to their food?"

I see this question asked a lot, mostly after someone on social media recommends an essential oil for a pet's situation. The replies are one or the other… topical or food. No one says, “inhalation.”

The fact that no one answers with "inhalation" makes me sad. They don't seem to understand how essential oils work best with animals.

And to be honest, I just don’t get it. It’s almost as if inhalation isn’t even an option. Inhalation is the most effective way to use essential oils with our pets is to inhale them. Why would you do anything else when inhalation is so simple and effective?  After all, it is called AROMAtherapy. 

(Ok, applying to the skin is appropriate when a skin issue needs healing. But please don't just drip oils on your fur baby’s back.)

Inhaling essential oils is really easy and the results are immediate! 

If you haven’t met Jake, he's my ‘ol guy … he’s nearly 14 years old and is 80 pounds of pure mutt. He suffers from arthritis and his back legs don’t work very well anymore. He still gets around, with some difficulty due to his tripping and stumbling. 

He’s frequently restless at night… pacing and sometimes panting. We give him CBD, which helps, but some nights it doesn’t always work.

By sniffing an essential oil bottle (with the cap on) Jake gets to select the essential oils he wants, AND he gets to choose his dose, or how much he inhales. 

We’ve been doing it for a few years, and Jake has his favorites for pain relief … German Chamomile, Balsam Copaiba, Helichrysum, and Black Spruce. Any night he's restless, pacing, panting, and can't settle to sleep, I get out the bottles and he chooses which ones he wants and how much.

It’s so easy, we made a video to show you how it works. This night he selected German Chamomile and it helped him relax, settle, and go to sleep. Watch as his breathing gets slower and deeper, his eyes get softer, and he lays his head down to go to sleep. 

It takes practice to learn to interpret your pets responses to essential oils, but it's well worth it. Having a remedy that can quickly relieve pain and calm anxiety is priceless, especially at 3 a.m. (The video is less than 3 minutes... that's how fast and effective inhaling essential oils can be!)

Allowing your fur baby to self-select and inhale essential oils, or other aromatics like hydrosols and dried herbs, is the fastest, most effective, and most respectful way to use aromatherapy with our beloved pets.

Why would you want to try German Chamomile? Check out this Aromatic Spotlight video. It’s safe and effective for all animals, including cats. (Though chamomile flowers are also an option for cats. Check out Herb Gardens for more info on that.)

Interested in learning how to partner with your pet to select essential oils and other aromatics? Check out my program Aromatherapy For Pets. It’s available anytime you’re ready to learn.

Interested in learn more about natural remedies to help your fur baby?

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