Holistic Support For Every Stage of Life


Are you frustrated or overwhelmed with your beloved pet's health or behavior?

Discover highly effective, holistic healing solutions to help your fur baby… 

  • Ease arthritis so your dog can enjoy walks again
  • Calm their anxiety so everyone can relax — and finally get some rest
  • Stop excessive scratching and help itchy skin heal
  • Ease chronic or acute illness
  • Enjoy a good quality of life even as the end draws near 

It’s all possible!


  • The root of the problem, whether physical, mental, or emotional 
  • Your pet's perspective on a situation
  • Solutions to your concerns

Your animal friend can have the amazing life they deserve!

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Animal Communication 

Animal Communication brings insights from your animal friend to help you... 

  • Know how you can best help them in their golden years.
  • Understand what triggers their anxiety and how to help them. 
  • Prepare them for an upcoming stressor, like a vet visit or grooming session. 
  • Explain changes like a vacation, an upcoming move, or family death.
  • Know when it’s time to help them pass peacefully. 

Deep Dive Sessions

Deep Dive sessions dive deeper into your pet’s physical and emotional health, to find the underlying cause(s) of an issue, and provide you with clarity and healing options.

These sessions combine Animal Communication, Medical Intuition, and Energy Medicine, to give you insights and actionable next steps, so you know you're doing all you can to support your furry friend. When they're happy, you can put your worries to rest.

Angel Readings

Angel readings connect with your beloved pet that's passed and bring your peace of mind knowing they're at peace. 


What Pet Parent's Say About Working with Amy...

"I didn't fully understand how Amy could work with animals from a distance, but after her first report I didn't question it as it was right on point. 

Ella's lived her first 8 years in a puppy mill. With Amy's help, Ella starting coming our of her shell and learned to live a spoiled dog's life."

Kelly and Ella

"Amy helped extend the life of my two cats several years, and don’t we all want more time with our loving, furry family members?

They were healthier, on fewer meds, had less stress and more peace. Plus, Amy helped me understand how to help them, which made everything much easier."

Barb, Elliot, and Simon

“I'm a natural skeptic, however I believe there are people out there with extraordinary gifts. I have had experiences with Amy and learned things about my pets that I would not have without her gifts.

If you love your pets, anything you can do to help them or understand them better is worth trying.”

Missy, Reba, River, and Jax

There are no one-size-fits-all solutions

Holistic healing takes the body, mind, and spirit into consideration. Just like us, our animal companions are unique with individual needs and personalities. What works for one may not be what’s best for another. 

As a naturopath, I work with several methods, which allows me to tailor sessions, and solutions, to fit your pet's needs. These include Animal Communication, Energy Healing, Tellington TTouch®, massage, nutrition, and natural, plant-based remedies like Animal Aromatherapy, flower essences, herbalism, and homeopathy. 

Energy Healing

Using an intuitive, energetic connection, energy healing supports, clears, and balances an animals biofield.

Benefits include:

  • relieving pain and improving mobility
  • calming anxieties
  • support healing from illness or post surgery
  • healing emotional issues like PTSD

Animal Aromatherapy 

Discover how to use essential oils safely with dogs and cats!  Even birds, reptiles, and small furry pets can safety benefit from aromatherapy. 

Go BEYOND essential oils to include aromatics like hydrosols, herbs, and carrier oils, and encourage your animal friend to CHOOSE the aromatics they want to use.

Holistic Animal Aromatherapy is SAFE and highly effective,  helpful for calming anxieties, easing pain, reducing itching, and more. 


More Holistic Solutions...

Natural Remedies

Natural, plant based remedies are found through herbalism, aromatherapy, flower essences, and homeopathy.

Flower essences and homeopathy are subtle, energetic remedies. Herbs are effective at addressing many health conditions. Aromatherapy is highly effective by inhalation alone (hence the name aromatherapy).


Pain relief. Calming. Gut health. Detoxing. Joint care. Foods.

With so many pet food and supplements options, how do you know do you know which ones will benefit your fur baby? 

Don't guess. Muscle Test.

Muscle Testing is an energetic way to determine which remedies resonate most closely with your pet. 


Massaging acupressure points and specific areas of the body can reduce pain and ease anxiety, which supports healing. 

Tellington TTouch® is a gentle way to release tension and help animals learn better, feel safer, improve behavior, and increase their physical and mental health. 

Cranial Sacral Therapy reduces pain by opening the spine.

Medical Intuition

A medical intuitive uses intuition to discover the source or cause of a physical illness. By intuitively scanning the energetic body, energetic blocks that compromise health are detected.

Medical intuition is helpful when you know something is "off" with your fur baby, even though bloodwork looks normal and no diagnosis is .

Are you ready to discover how Holistic Pet Care 
will help your fur baby? 

Explore the possibilities with a FREE Discovery Call



DISCLAIMER: Amy DeLong is not a veterinarian and does not diagnose medical conditions or prescribe medications. All content  on this site is for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to substitute advice given by a veterinarian. All services provided are regarded as supportive, integrative care and not as a substitute for veterinary care.