Diffusing Essential Oils Safely Around Pets

Far too often I hear stories of pet parents taking big risks with essential oils and not realizing it. Like diffusing essential oils for 6 hours straight, or worse yet, 24/7. These days more than ever, people are turning to essential oils to disinfect their homes and protect their health.  Many are unaware of the potential consequences to their pets. If you’re here, you probably have diffused essential oils in your home. Or you’ve thought of it but are smart enough to know there are possible risks to your fur baby?. I believe that when used appropriately, essential oils (EOs) […]

Finding Calm in Chaos

What a few crazy weeks! The coronavirus has definitely brought some challenging and uncertain times.   A few years ago, I had my own challenging and uncertain season in life. All my dogs felt it, especially Jake.   Jake’s my 80 pound mutt, and my most sensitive dog. (He’s the one who knows I’m on my way home and goes to the door to wait for me.)   Jake is an emotional barometer.  If voices go up, his head and tail go down.  If tears run down my cheeks, he’s beside me as if to say  “it’ll be okay.” Jake likes the status […]