Hot Spots and Essential Oils: A New Perspective

If your pup has ever had a hot spot, you know hot spots are often as frustrating for us pet parents as they are for our dogs. The itchy, red, and inflamed skin is difficult to treat, and the licking can be non-stop. Typically hot spots are viewed as an allergy and treated with antihistamines. But what if there was another option? One that treats the underlying cause and not just the symptom.  Well, there is another way to deal with hot spots, but first I need to tell you about Nala…  Nala and I had a follow up visit with […]

Quickly Ease Your Pet’s Pain with Essential Oils

Is allowing our beloved pet’s to inhale essential oils a best kept secret? If not, why do so many pet parents ask, “Do you apply it topically or add it to their food?” I see this question asked a lot, mostly after someone on social media recommends an essential oil for a pet’s situation. The replies are one or the other… topical or food. No one says, “inhalation.” The fact that no one answers with “inhalation” makes me sad. They don’t seem to understand how essential oils work best with animals. And to be honest, I just don’t get it. […]