Prevent Pet Suffocation

Pet Suffocation Awareness

Did you know that your pet can suffocate and lose its life in under 5 minutes?  I confess I wasn’t aware of this fact until I was inspired to do a bit of research on pet suffocation prevention. Several weeks ago Carrie H., who I’d never met, replied to my email where I shared the Pet Poison Helpline and how I spent my birthday in the ER with Nala who overindulged in my dark chocolate. Carrie replied that her cat got sick from chocolate once. But she also wanted to share that there’s another threat that she had never heard […]

Keep Your Pets Safe AND Enjoy Essential Oils

  After years of using essential oils, and no synthetic fragrances, I’ve become very sensitive to scent.  That reminds me of our pets. Their sense of smell is SO much stronger than ours. (Check out this fun, short YouTube video called How dogs “see” with their noses.) If you’ve been using essential oils and haven’t considered how they’re affecting your fur baby, be grateful nothing has happened.  Yet. I’m not saying it will.  But it can happen anytime. I’ll never forget the day my friend’s dog, Kalika, showed signs of taking in too much essential oil.   My friend and […]