Allowing Your Pet to Choose Essential Oils

Too many people decide which essential oils (EOs) to use on their pets.  The pets aren’t even given a choice. I see comments in Facebook groups where pet parents are asking which EOs (or blend) they should use for ‘x’ condition. Or, they’re wondering what to do now that they used an EO,  the pet ran away, and now their pet avoids them. The advice is usually suggestions on how to get the pet comfortable with the EOs. I’ll be honest.  This advice just doesn’t make sense to me. Why not just listen to our furry friends and respect the […]

Getting to Know Your Essential Oils

I got some new oils this week! I love getting new essential oils. It’s like being a kid again on Christmas morning and opening a new toy. I open the package and crack open the bottles until I’ve sniffed every single one. Lately I’ve been buying from different companies, so it’s been more fun than usual. I bought a Lavender and Rose Geranium from each company so I could compare quality.  (Lavender since it’s inexpensive and Rose Geranium because I love it, and it’s tick season.) And I got a couple oils that I never had before. Even more fun! Whenever I […]